Calculating the calories in the wine you drink
The calories in wine come from the alcohol. Many German wines are low in alcohol, so they are the least fattening. Reds are higher than whites and fortified wines, are loaded with calories.
“I went to Portugal a few years back for 10 days to tour the Port wine region. I had Port for breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as visited wineries and did tastings there. (Okay, so I didn’t spit very often. That’s what did it!.) Anyway, I gained 20 pounds in 10 days.
I’m not kidding. I was so fat when I got home, I joined a health club and luckily was able to loose the weight in a month and a half.”
To determine how many calories are in a glass of wine, you simply take the percentage of alcohol and multiply by the number of ounces you drink, and multiply that by 1.6
Example: 15% alcohol in a 6oz. glass, is 15x6x1.6=144 calories.
Source: “Swallow This” by Mark Phillips